Mind, Brain, Body, and Behavior

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Laboratory of Socio-Environmental Studies, NIMH

Principal Investigators
Allen, Gordon
Boggs, Stephen T.
Burton, Roger V.
Butler, Robert N.
Campbell, John D.
Caudill, William
Clausen, John A.
Deasy, Leila Calhoun
Diamond, Stanley
Ember, Melvin
Gillette, Thomas
Goffmann, Erving
Goodrich, D. Wells
Hamburg, David A.
Hertz, Roy
Jordan, Nehemiah
Kellmann, Franz J.
Kohn, Melvin L.
Lefcowitz, Myron J.
Linn, Erwin L.
Lochen, Yngvar
Pearlin, Leonard I.
Perlin, Seymour
Pollin, William
Quinn, Olive Westbrooke
Raush, Harold L.
Rosenberg, Morris
Schaffer, Leslie
Schooler, Carmi
Schwartz, Charlotte G.
Silber, Earle
Turk, Herman
Van Buren, John M.
Wallin, Paul
Will, Gwen Tudor
Ya rrow, Marian Radke
Youmans, E. Grant

Other Investigators
Auster, Simon
Baroff, George S.
Blank, Paul
Carroll, Eleanor
Cholden, Louis S.
Coelho, George
Flint, Arden A.
Golden, Samson
Greenberg, Irwin
Handlon, Joseph H.
Hawkins, Doris E.
Hoffman, Jay
Kendig, Isabelle V.
Landusky, Walter
Lawlor, William G. (visiting scientist)
Lee, A. Russell
Mason, John
Murphey, Elizabeth
Murphy, Harriet S.
Parloff, Morris B.
Rockland, Lawrence
Ross, Lucille
Sank, Diane
Sceery, Walter
Schachter, Joseph
Schweig, Noel
Shakow, David
Snyder, Frederick
Sweet, Blanche S.
Theban, John
Wadeson, Ralph
Whiting, John W. M.
Wynne, Lyman C.
Yarrow, Leon
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