Mind, Brain, Body, and Behavior

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Appendix C

NIMH and NINDB Laboratory and Branch

Selected Landmark Papers

Adult Psychiatry Branch, NIMH

Bunney, Jr., William, and David Hamburg. “Methods for Reliable
Longitudinal Observation of Behavior: Development of a Method for
Systematic Observation of Emotional Behavior on Psychiatric Wards.”
Archives of General Psychiatry 9 (1963): 280-94.

Coelho, George, David Hamburg, and Elizabeth Murphey. “Coping
Strategies in a New Learning Environment: A Study of American College
Freshmen.” Archives of General Psychiatry 9 (1963): 433-43.

Fishman, Jacob, David Hamburg, Joseph Handlon, John Mason, and
Edward Sachar. “Emotional and Adrenal Cortical Responses to a New
Experience: Effect of Social Environment.” Archives of General Psychiatry
6 (1962): 271-8.

Friedman, Stanford, P. Chodoff, John Mason, and David Hamburg.
“Behavior Observations on Parents Anticipating the Death of a Child.”
Pediatrics 32 (1963): 610-25.

Friedman, Stanford, John Mason, and David Hamburg. “Urinary 17­
hydroxycorticosteroid Levels in Parents of Children With Neuroplastic
Disease.” Psychosomatic Medicine 25 (1963): 364-76.

Hamburg, David, chairman. “Some Observations on Controls in Psychi­
atric Research.” Report no. 42. New York: Group for the Advancement of
Psychiatry, 1959.

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