Mind, Brain, Body, and Behavior

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


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Hamburg, David. “The Relevance of Recent Evolutionary Changes to
Human Stress Biology.” In Social Life of Early Man, edited by S. Washburn,
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Hamburg, David. “Plasma and Urinary Corticosteroid Levels in Naturally
Occurring Psychological Stresses.” In Ultrastructure and Metabolism of
the Nervous System, edited by S. Korey, Association for Research in
Nervous and Mental Disease, vol. 40, 406-13. Baltimore: Williams and
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Hamburg, David. “Emotions in the Perspective of Human Evolution.”
In Expression of the Emotions in Man, edited by P. Knapp, 300-17. New
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Handlon, Joseph, Ralph Wadeson, Jacob Fishman, Edward Sachar,
David Hamburg, and John Mason. “Psychological Factors Lowering
Plasma 17-hydroxycorticosteroid Concentration.” Psychosomatic Medicine
26 (1962): 535-42.

Silber, Earle, David Hamburg, George Coelho, Elizabeth Murphey,
Morris Rosenberg, and Leonard Pearlin. “Adaptive Behavior in Competent
Adolescents: Coping With the Anticipation of College. Archives of General
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Wadeson, Ralph, John Mason, David Hamburg, and Joseph Handlon.
“Plasma and Urinary 17-OHCS Responses to Motion Pictures.” Archives
of General Psychiatry 9 (1963): 146-56.
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