Mind, Brain, Body, and Behavior

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Laboratory of Cellular Pharmacology, NIMH

Kaufman, Seymour. “A New Cofactor Required for the Enzymatic Con­
version of Phenylalanine to Tyrosine.” Journal of Biological Chemistry 230
(1958): 931-9.

Kaufman, Seymour. “Phenylalanine Hydroxylation Cofactor in Phenylke­
tonuria.” Science 128 (1958): 1506.

Kaufman, Seymour, and B. Levenberg. “Further Studies on the Phenyla­
lanine Hydroxylation Cofactor.” Journal of Biological Chemistry 234 (1959):

Levin, E., B. Levenberg, and Seymour Kaufman. “The Enzymatic Con­
version of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethylamine to Norepinephrine.” Journal
of Biological Chemistry 235 (1960): 2080-6.

Sokoloff, Louis, and Seymour Kaufman. “Effects of Thyroxin on Amino
Acid Incorporation Into Protein.” Science 129 (1959): 569.

Child Research Branch, NIMH

Bloch, Donald A., Earle Silber, and Stewart E. Perry. “Some Factors in
the Emotional Reaction of Children to Disaster.” American Journal of
Psychiatry 113 (1956): 416-22.

Goodrich, D. Wells, and Donald S. Boomer. “Some Concepts About Thera­
peutic Interventions With Hyper-Aggressive Children.” Social Casework
39 (1958): 207-13.

Goodrich, D. Wells, and Donald S. Boomer. “Some Concepts About Thera­
peutic Interventions With Hyper-Aggressive Children. Part II.” Social
Casework 39 (1958): 286-92.

Raush, Harold L. “Interaction Sequences.” Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology 2, no. 4 (1965): 487-99.

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