Mind, Brain, Body, and Behavior

(Nancy Kaufman) #1



Aberle, David F., 312, 321

Abraham, Kristof, 159, 162, 314

Adelman, W. J., Jr., 309

Adland, Marvin, 321

Adrian, R. H., 318

Agranoff, Bernard W., 312, 317, 319

Aichhorn, August, 81

Ajmone-Marsan, Cosimo, xix, 97,

151-168, 224, 296, 314, 324

Albers, R. Wayne, 235, 312, 316

Alexander, Franz, 321

Alexander, Irving, 307

Allen, Gordon, 317, 321, 323

Alphen, Gerard van, 320

Altman, Albert S., 14

Altmann, Stuart A., 316

Altrocchi, Paul H., 314

Alvord, Ellsworth C., Jr., 66, 145,

312, 314, 324

American Academy of Neurology

(AAN), 20, 24

American Medical Association

(AMA), 6, 47, 65

American Neurological Association

(ANA), 19, 20, 21, 22, 24,

30, 272

American Psychiatric Association, 7

Ames, Bruce N., 309

Antosiewicz, H. A., 309, 317

Aronson, Samuel, 320

Arvanitaki-Chalazonitis, A., 319

Ashburner, Roberta, 316

Assembly of Scientists, 42-45,

49-50, 233

Associates Training Program
(See National Institutes of Health)
Auster, Simon, 307, 323

Axelrod, Julius, 61, 91, 93, 191,

194, 195, 210, 216, 246, 256,

268, 269, 271, 272, 273, 274,

275, 276, 277, 278, 311, 312,

317, 321


Bach, Sven A., 324

Bacon, M., 318

Bailey, Clark J., 316

Bailey, Pearce (father), 22

Bailey, Pearce (son), 22-24, 34, 65,

67, 107, 143, 151, 153, 187,

227, 232, 295, 301

Bairati, Angelo, 316

Baird, Robert L., 324

Bak, Anthony, 318, 319

Baker, A., 204

Baker, Abe B., 20, 24

Baldwin, Maitland, 50, 65, 66, 67,

97, 143-144, 152-153, 154, 155,

156, 224, 295-296, 314, 324
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