Mind, Brain, Body, and Behavior

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


Pearce Bailey, M.D.
Courtesy of the National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Bailey, the son, was appointed the first director of the NINDB on
October 3, 1951.^28 He had worked at the Philadelphia Naval Hospital
after serving in the U.S. Navy and was at the time chief of the neurology
program within the Neuropsychiatry Division, headed by psychiatrist
Daniel Blain, of the VA’s Department of Medicine and Surgery.^29 Bailey
actively sought to “advance academic neurology through increasing
facilities for training and research”^30 by creating a medical advisory
committee selected by the ANA’s council, and to explore ways in
which “VA facilities could be supplemented to be of use to their train­
ing and research programs in neurology.”^31
An increase in the 1952 budget of the NINDB to $1.99 million still
saw no money directed toward beginning any new research programs and,
with the NIH Clinical Center still under construction, no laboratory or
clinical space had been allocated to the NINDB either.^32 The research
conducted by the institute was still supported by the NIMH and the
institute’s survival was unclear.^33 To address this situation, Bailey, who
had been the AAN’s second president in 1949-1950, appointed an
AAN liaison committee to meet with the directors of voluntary health
organizations and present a unified front to the Congressional appro­
priations committee. The National Committee for Research in Neu­
rological Disorders (NCRND), headed by Baker, resulted from this
July 25, 1952, meeting that was attended by the AAN liaison committee,
also the ANA president, the organizations’ directors, and the repre­
sentatives of the National Society for Crippled Children and Adults.^34
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