Mind, Brain, Body, and Behavior

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Interprofessional History,” Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences
13, no. 1 (1977): 5.

  1. Bailey, “The Present Outlook for Neurology.”

  2. For further information, see Gerald N. Grob, “The Inner World of American
    Psychiatry, 1890-1940,” Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 24,
    no. 3 (1988): 263-4 and Quen, “Asylum Psychiatry, Neurology, Social Work,
    and Mental Hygiene.”

  3. Bailey, “Origins, Founding, and Early Years.”

  4. Bailey, “The Present Outlook for Neurology.”

  5. Ibid.

  6. Pearce Bailey, “American’s First National Neurologic Institute,” Neurology
    (Minneap.) 3 (1953): 321; Pearce Bailey, oral history interview by Wyndham
    D. Miles, October 7, 1964, transcript, Box 1, OH 149, NLM.

  7. Bailey, oral history by Miles.

  8. Ibid; Bailey, “Origins, Founding, and Early Years.”

  9. Rowland, NINDS at 50.

  10. Bailey, “Origins, Founding, and Early Years;” Bailey, oral history by Miles.

  11. Bailey, “Origins, Founding, and Early Years.”

  12. Ibid; Rowland, NINDS at 50.

  13. Rowland, NINDS at 50.

  14. William Henry Sebrell, oral history interview by Siepert and Carrigan,
    December 8-9, 1970, transcript, Box 1, OH 88, NLM; Rowland, NINDS
    at 50.

  15. Rowland, NINDS at 50.

  16. NIH Almanac, 1965; Rowland, NINDS at 50.

  17. NIH Report, 1951-1952, 189.

  18. NINDB Annual Report, 1954.

  19. NINDB Annual Report, 1954, 1-2.

  20. Bailey, “Origins, Founding, and Early Years.”

  21. Ibid. NIAMD received $578,000 that first year (Rowland, NINDS
    at 50).

  22. NIH Almanac, 1965.

  23. Bailey, oral history by Miles.

  24. Ibid.

  25. Bailey, “Origins, Founding, and Early Years.”

  26. Ibid; Rowland, NINDS at 50. In 1947, neurology’s exposure and reputation
    was enhanced with the VA Neuropsychiatry Division’s name change
    to Psychiatry and Neurology Service (Bailey, “Origins, Founding, and
    Early Years.”).

  27. Bailey, “Origins, Founding, and Early Years,” xxiii.

  28. Ibid.

  29. Bailey, oral history by Miles.

  30. Bailey, “Origins, Founding, and Early Years.”

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