Mind, Brain, Body, and Behavior

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


Laboratory of Cellular Pharmacology, NIMH .......................... 77

Child Research Branch, NIMH ................................................ 81

Clinical Neuropharmacology Research Center, NIMH ............. 85

Laboratory of Clinical Science, NIMH ..................................... 89

Electroencephalography Branch, NINDB ................................. 97

Medical Neurology Branch, NINDB ...................................... 101

Laboratory of Neuroanatomical Sciences, NINDB ................. 105

Laboratory of Neurochemistry, NIMH- NINDB.................... 109

Laboratory of Neurophysiology, NIMH- NINDB .................. 115

Ophthalmology Branch, NINDB ........................................... 121

Laboratory of Psychology, NIMH........................................... 125

Laboratory of Socio-Environmental Studies, NIMH .............. 137

Surgical Neurology Branch, NINDB ...................................... 143

Part III: Scientists’ First-Person Accounts

Clinical Neurophysiology and Epilepsy in the Early Years

of the NINDB Intramural Program

Cosimo Ajmone-Marsan

....................................... 151

The Section on Aging of the Laboratory of Psychology

in the NIMH During the 1950s

James E. Birren

............................................ 169

The Early Years of the NIMH Intramural Clinical

Research Program

Robert A. Cohen

.................................................................. 183

Psychopharmacology: Finding One’s Way

Joel Elkes

................................... 201

My Experiences as a Research Associate in Neurophysiology

at the NIH (1958-1960)

Sid Gilman

........................................................ 221

Reflections from the Pool of Bethesda

Lloyd Guth

........................................ 229
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