Microsoft Word - Revised dissertation2.docx
Tablet AA affords a special opportunity to compare the form of a copy of MUL.APIN in a private library against sources from the ...
to that of the stele, but include some indications that they differed linguistically from the Old Babylonian Haupttext. The majo ...
sources for the legal section of LH and those of EAE63, in that rather codified language may be less prone to variation. It cert ...
etic sections in terms of orthographic and linguistic features. Minor variations in style occur slightly more frequently in the ...
tensibly copied at Kuyunjik are in disagreement with most of the parallel sources and also with each other (J and W). Mīs Pî All ...
show very close agreement with each other, and that even excerpts found in the school texts from the Late Babylonian period are ...
tially less crisp if we did not nominate a Haupttext to provide a textual ‘yard-stick’ against which to compare such fragmentary ...
texts.^1322 Recalculating the types and frequency of variation without taking these texts into account would certainly result in ...
the MT than do the vast majority of scrolls from Qumran.^1324 Though Young’s arguments extend to the entire corpus of biblical s ...
Figure - Average Variation Including Nineveh Ritual Tablets and 'de Luxe' mss The Significance of Ritual Texts Among the represe ...
From this we can make the preliminary observation that, based on the mīs pî sources from Nineveh in the first millennium BCE, ri ...
tion-driven learning process. Carr calls this process “education-enculturation.”^1327 In this view of the ancient scribal craft, ...
gramme reinforced the use of increasingly standardised textual forms in building a scribe’s stock of culturally significant mate ...
cuneiform texts were a series of ‘streams of tradition’ that included the authoritative writ- ten form, extrinsic materials that ...
From this we may make a tentative observation regarding the texts that do not fall under the genres of ‘ritual’ or ‘law.’ Much o ...
ian scholars in similar correspondence.^1334 The tendency of priests to restrict their lan- guage to a particular form may refle ...
In Watts’s view the tendency for written texts to develop precise forms in transmission was a result of the ritualisation of tho ...
ritual authority of the Torah was extended beyond the temple to other aspects of daily life that, by falling under the Torah’s p ...
ondly, the self-perpetuaing process of textual ritualisation Watts proposes leaves unan- swered the question of how the process ...
In the post-exilic period the curriculum in ancient Israel was transferred to the temple au- thority following the cessation of ...
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