Microsoft Word - Revised dissertation2.docx

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KAO A. Jeremias, H. Winckler and E.F. Weidner, Kampfe um dem alten

KBo Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi

KTS 1 J. Lewy, Die altassyrischen Texte vom Kültepe bei Kaisarije

LXX Septuagint

MT Massoretic Text

OV orthographic variant

OV(l) orthographic variant (linguistic)

PBS Publications of the Babylonian Section, University Museum, Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania

RLA Reallexicon der Assyriologie

RawlCu H. Rawlinson, Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia

Rm tablets in the collection of the British Museum from H. Rassam

Sm tablets in the collection of the British Museum from G. Smith

Sp tablets in the collections of the British Museum acquired from Spartali

SP Samaritan Pentateuch

STT D.R. Gurney, J.J. Finkelstein and P. Hilun, The Sultantepe tablets

SU semogenic unit

SV stylistic variant

VAT tablets in the collections of the Staatliche Museen, Berlin

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