M189 A iii 33 KUR meš-ma^ OV(l) – A and H lack the ventive suf-
H iii 20 J ii 5 KUR (^) meme-n[im]š-ma^ fix present in the other sources.^302
N iii 4 KUR- DD r.5 KUR mešḫa-nim[-nim[
(^) M190 J ii 5 (^) KUR me-n[im (^) OV – The verb inappaḫūnimma is
written without the plural marker in
N iii 4 KUR-ḫa-nim[
DD r.5 KUR meš-nim[
M191 A iii 33 mul AB.SÍN OV – The preposition determinative is written as MÚL in N, against MUL
H iii 20 in the other sources.
N iii 4 m úl[
M192 A iii 34 KUR OV – A lacks the phonetic comple-
(^) N iii 5 KUR-J ii 6 KUR-ḫḫa a ment.
(^) M193 A iii 34 (^) mul KAK.SI.SÁ (^) OV – The preposition determinative
is written as MÚL in N, against MUL
in the other sources.
J ii 6 mul KAK.SI.SÁ
N iii 5 DD r.6 múmull KAK.SI.SÁ KAK.SI.SÁ
(^) M194 A iii 34 UD (^) meš OV – N has the phonetic complement
N iii 5 UD-mu H iii 21 UD meš^ “-mu” for the plural marker MEŠ in A and H.ūmū, “days,” written with^303
M195 A iii 35 J ii 7 KUR KUR-ḫa OV – A lacks the phonetic comple-ment.
N iii 6 KUR- ḫa
M196 A iii 35 mul KAK.SI.SÁ OV – The preposition determinative
(^302) N is written without the plural marker but, as has been mentioned above (see note ), this form is taken as
being marked with a phonetic complement. The verb “KUR-ḫa-nim-ma” might therefore be read as
inappaḫūnimma, where the phonetic complement in N does not directly reflect the vowel. In fact, N always
writes the verb inappaḫ with the phonetic complement attached – see N iii 5-8. J always has the singular
form of the verb with the phonetic complement. However in J the only plural form of the verb preserved
has no phonetic complement and the sign ME to mark the plural. It is thus difficult to decide if N represents
a difference in number or if the difference is merely orthographic. Given that N never writes the plural
marker on verbs or nouns, even when plurality is quite certain (see note above), this variant should be
treated as orthographic. This orthographic variant is only counted for those sources that agree with the ven-
tive in N, namely J and DD, for which see the following variant. 303
Plural forms are always written without the sign MEŠ in N. See notes and above.