Microsoft Word - Revised dissertation2.docx

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J ii 7 mul KAK.SI.SÁ is written as MÚL in N, against MUL
N iii 6 mú l KAK.SI.SÁ in A and J.
M197 A iii 35 UD meš OV – N has the phonetic complement “-mu” for ūmū, “days,” written with
the plural marker MEŠ in A and H.

H iii 22 UD meš
N iii 6 UD-mu
M198 A iii 36 KUR OV – A lacks the phonetic comple-

(^) N iii 7 KUR-J ii 8 KUR-ḫḫa a ment.
(^) M199 A iii 36 (^) mul ŠU.PA (^) OV – The preposition determinative
(^) N iii 7 J ii 8 mulmúl ŠU.PA ŠU.PA is written as MÚL in N, against MUL in A and J.
M200 A iii 36 UD meš OV – N has the phonetic complement “-mu” for ūmū, “days,” written with
the plural marker MEŠ in A.
N iii 7 UD-mu
(^) M201 A iii 37 (^) KUR (^) OV – A lacks the phonetic comple-
(^) N iii 8 KUR-J ii 9 KUR-ḫḫa a ment.
(^) M202 A iii 37 (^) mul AB.SÍN (^) OV – The preposition determinative
(^) N iii 8 J ii 9 mulmúl AB.SÍN AB.SÍN in the other sources. is written as MÚL in N, against MUL
M203 A iii 37 UD meš OV – N has the phonetic complement “-mu” for ūmū, “days,” written with
the plural marker MEŠ in A.
N iii 8 UD-mu
(^) M204 A iii 37 (^) mul zi-ba-ni-tu
4 OV – A has the final syllable of the proper noun Zibānītu written with the
W 4 z]i-ba-ni-tú sign TU 4 against TÚ in W.
(^) M205 A iii 38 (^) KUR (^) OV – A and FF lack the phonetic
(^) FF ii 2 KUR J ii 10 KUR-ḫa complement.
M206 A iii 38 mul zi-ba-ni-tu 4 OV – The preposition determinative is written as MÚL in N, against MUL
in A and J.
J ii 10 m[ul] z[i-b]a-ni-tu 4
N iii 9 mú l zi-ba-ni-tu (^4)
M207 A iii 38 mul ÙZ OV – The preposition determinative
W 5 múl ÙZ is written as MÚL in W, against MUL in A.

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