Microsoft Word - Revised dissertation2.docx

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M265 A iv 10 zi-iq-pa OV(l) – J and X have the wrong case
J iii 12 ziq-pi X iii 6 ziq-pi vowel for the accusative singular.^317

(^) M266 A iv 10 (^) a-ma-ri-ka OV – The verb plus pronominal suf-
fix is written syllabically in A and Q amarika, literally “your seeing,”
against the logographic spelling in J
and X.
J iii 12 IGI-k[a Q iii 11 a-ma-ri-ka
X iii 6 IGI-ka
M267 A iv 11 ni-iš OV – The verb face)” is written syllabically in A and našû, “lift up (one’s
Q against the logographic spelling in X.
Q iii 13 ni-iš
X iii 8 ÍL
M268 A iv 12 IGI-ka OV – The noun ten logographically in A and X panu, “face,” is writ-
against the syllabic spelling in Q.
Q iii 13 pa-ni-k[a
X iii 8 IGI-ka
M269 A iv 14 mul GÀM OV – The preposition determinative
R 3 T iv 2 múmull G[À]M GÀM is written as MÚL in R, against MUL in A and T.
(^) M270 A iv 16 (^) IGI-it GABA-ka SV(1) – The preposition (^) ina is lack-
R 4 T iv 4 ina IGI-it [ IGI-it GABA-ka ing in A and T.^318
M271 A iv 16 MUL.MUL OV – The preposition determinative is written as MÚL in R, against MUL
in A.


(^317) The reading in the accusative case seems correct in the context: (^) šumma ziqpa ana amārka, “If you are to
observe the ziqpu.” Reading this difference as a linguistic variation presumes the noun ziqpu is singular in
all the sources. On the other hand, the noun “ziq-pi” in J and X could be read as an oblique plural, and so
still be considered grammatically correct. Such a reading would suppose a difference in number between A
on the one hand and J and X on the other which, considering there is no plural marker attached to this noun
in any source, seems to be asking too much of the text. The variation is instead read as OV(l) in the light of
Rule 4. 318
The full clause reads: ina Ayyari UD 1 irtu ša Nimri ina qabal šamê (ina) meḫret irtika izzazma, “on the
first day of Ajjaru the Breast of the Panther is positioned in the middle of the sky (towards the) opposite
(of) your breast.”

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