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L, K10483

This is a Neo-Assyrian fragment from Kuyunjik first published by Meissner.^346

N, K8905
This Neo-Assyrian fragment from Kuyunjik was also published by Meissner in 1908.^347
Borger has suggested that this fragment may be part of the same tablet as tablet L,

P 1 , K8321; P 2 , Rm277; P 3 , DT81; P 4 , Rm2,388
The script is Neo-Assyrian. Lassøe first suggested that these fragments were from the
same tablet. From the catalogue designation DT it can be assumed that this tablet was
from the North Palace at Nineveh.^349 It would seem that fragment P 3 was excavated dur-
ing Smith’s first expedition to Kuyunjik in 1873, while the fragments P 2 and P 3 were un-
covered during Rassam’s later expedition in 1878.

(^345) George Smith’s 1874 expedition to Kuyunjik principally extracted tablets from the Southwest Palace,
for which see J.E. Reade, "Archaeology and the Kuyunjik Archives," 214. 346
347 B. Meissner, "Altbabylonische Gesetze," 507.
348 B. Meissner, "Altbabylonische Gesetze," 507.
349 See R. Borger, Babylonisch-Assyrische Lesestücke, 3.
According to J.E. Reade, "Archaeology and the Kuyunjik Archives," 214, tablets catalogued as DT were
excavated from the North Palace by George Smith in 1873.

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