T, K10485
This is a Neo-Assyrian fragment from Kuyunjik. It was published by Meissner in
W, VAT991
This tablet, now at the Staatliche Museen in Berlin, is written in Late Babylonian script.
According to the colophon this tablet is DUB.7.KAM [i]-nu AN ṣi-ru-um, “the seventh
tablet in (the series) ‘When the exalted Anum.’”^351
Z, VAT1036
The script is Late Babylonian. Unlike tablet W there is no colophon preserved. See note
above for the publication details for this fragment.
b, Sm1642
The script is Neo-Assyrian. The designation ‘Sm’ indicates that this tablet is from the
Southwest Palace at Kuyunjik.^352
(^350) B. Meissner, "Altbabylonische Gesetze," 507, and see the drawing in E. Bergmann, (^) Codex Hammurabi,
pl. 47. 351
See the colophon in G.R. Driver and J.C. Miles, Babylonian Laws, 114. This tablet and tablet Z were
first published in A. Ungnad, Keilschrifttexte der Gesetze Hammurapis: Autographie der Stele sowie der
altbabylonischen, assyrischen und neubabylonischen Fragmente (Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1909) 42. The drawing
used in the present study for tablets W and Z is from E. Bergmann, 352 Codex Hammurabi, pl. 51.
See the reference in note above. Tablet b and tablet c were both published in B. Meissner, "Altbaby-
lonische Gesetze," 509-10.