Microsoft Word - Revised dissertation2.docx

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V41 C:25 ina UTU.ŠU.A HV – C gives a date for Ξ instead of Γ. G
G:11 ina dUTU.È has the expected text.^182

V42 C:25 ŠEG.ME ina AN-e

SV(2) – C has an expansive plus.^183

G:11 ŠEG.ME u A.KAL[

V43 C:25 A.KAL.ME OV – C has the plural marker ME, against

V44 C:26 3 ITI UD.9.KAM HV – Difference in cardinal number.^184
H:4 2 ITI UD.7.KAM

(^182) The apparent error in C is corrected towards G by almost all scholars, but for an alternative interpreta-
tion that is no less entertaining than it is wildly speculative see L.E. Rose, “Babylonian Observations of
Venus,” 183 Velikovsky Reconsidered (ed S.L. Talbott; New York: Doubleday, 1976) 73-86.
C has the full text: “rains in the sky, floods in the subterranean water;” G has abbreviated: “rains and
flood[s].” 184
C has the period of superior conjunction as three months and nine days, against H which has two months
and seven days. This two-fold error is understandable. In the case of the months a single vertical line has
been lost and in the case of the days the lower three strokes of ⑆ have been confused for the lower stroke of

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