Food and Wine Pairing : A Sensory Experience

(ff) #1

Exercise 4.2 91


1.Buy the wines.
2.Chill the white wines.
3.Distribute the placemats (Figure 4.2) and set up the glasses.
4.Open the wines and pour them.
5.Taste the wines and evaluate them. Focus on identifying the differences in style between the Old World and New World
examples. Is the Old World example more subtle, elegant, and earthy? Is the New World wine bolder, lush, and fruit-forward?
a.Sight.Is the Old World wine lighter in color than the New World sample?
b.Swirl and smell.What are the differences in the aromas between the Old and New World wines?
c.Sip, spit, and savor.What are the taste differences? Does one have more acidity, body, alcohol, or intensity?
6.Distribute the dishes.
7.Taste the foods, evaluate them, and note observations.
8.Duxelles.In this exercise there are two Pinots (1 Old World and 1 New World) and two Chardonnays (1 Old World and 1 New
World). Based on your analysis of each wine and each dish, select the wine that you believe will be the best match with the
Duxelles. Why did you select that wine? Did you perceive similar components, body, or flavors? Now taste that wine with the
Duxelles. Did the match meet your expectations? Next, taste each of the other wines with the Duxelles. Rank the wines by level
of match with the food from least match to best match. Record any other observations.
Least match!1. 2. 3. 4. !Best match
9.Grilled Portobello Mushrooms.Select the wine that you believe will be the best match with the portobellos. Why did you select
that wine? Did you perceive similar components, body, or flavors? Now taste that wine with the portobellos. Did the match
meet your expectations? Next taste each of the other wines with the portobellos. Rank the wines by level of match with the
portobellos from least match to best match. Record any other observations.
Least match!1. 2. 3. 4. !Best match

10.Black Truffle Potatoes.Select the wine that you believe will be the best match with the potatoes. Why did you select that wine?
Did you perceive similar components, body, or flavors? Now taste that wine with the potatoes. Did the match meet your
expectations? Next, taste each of the other wines with the potatoes. Rank the wines by level of match with the potatoes from
least match to best match. Record any other observations.
Least match!1. 2. 3. 4. !Best match

11.White Truffle Risotto.Select the wine that you believe will be the best match with the risotto. Why did you select that wine?
Did you perceive similar components, body, or flavors? Now taste that wine with the risotto. Did the match meet your expec-
tations? Next, taste each of the other wines with the potatoes. Rank the wines by level of match with the risotto from least
match to best match. Record any other observations.
Least match!1. 2. 3. 4. !Best match

12.Discuss and analyze the results. Did any one wine match all or the majority of the dishes relatively well? Did a particular wine
do a poor job of matching overall? What do you believe was the primary determining factor of a match between the wines
and food? Did reds or whites do a better job? Old World or New World wines?

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