Food and Wine Pairing : A Sensory Experience

(ff) #1

Tasting Exercise Recipes 93

Food Item: French Onion Soup (courtesy Chef John Folse)

Yield: 6 servings (enough for 20–25 tastings)


(^1) / 4 c (57 g) butter
2 tbsp (30 ml) olive oil
4 large onions, finely sliced
2 tbsp (28 g) minced garlic
11 / 2 tbsp flour (optional)
(^1) / 2 c (240 ml) Pinot Noir
4 c (.95 l) beef broth
2 large bay leaves
6 thick slices French bread
(^3) / 4 c (170 g) grated Swiss cheese
In a large cast-iron Dutch oven, heat butter and oil together.
Once oil is hot, add onions and garlic and cook over
medium heat for approximately 30 to 45 minutes,
stirring occasionally, until caramelized but not
burned. For a slightly thicker soup, sprinkle in the
flour and blend well. Deglaze with Pinot Noir. Add
broth, bay leaves, and salt and pepper to taste and
bring to a rolling boil. Reduce to a simmer, cover, and
cook for 30 minutes. Remove bay leaves and adjust
seasonings if necessary. Preheat broiler. Place 6 soup
cups on a cookie sheet and fill three-quarters full.
Place a slice of French bread on top of each portion of
soup and cover evenly with Swiss cheese. Place
under broiler until bread is toasted and cheese is fully
melted. Serve immediately.
Says Chef John Folse, ‘‘This classic soup was traditionally the hangover remedy sold in all-
night cafe ́s in Paris. It was thought that the rich beef broth flavored with saute ́ed onions and
topped with a hearty crouton would revive revelers in the early hours of the morning following
a night of indulgence.’’^21
Food Item: Duxelles

Yield: 8 servings (enough for 20–25 tastings)

3 oz (85 g) unsalted butter
1 c (225 g) finely minced onion
4 c (907 g) finely chopped fresh mushrooms
2 cloves garlic, minced
11 / 2 c (360 ml) white wine
Pepper to taste

Melt butter over medium heat and sauté onion until
transparent. Add the mushrooms and garlic and cook
for 3–5 minutes. Add white wine to the mixture and
cook over medium-high heat until the liquid has
evaporated. Season to taste with salt and pepper. The
mixture can be used immediately or prepared in
advance and stored in the refrigerator until ready for

Duxelles are great as a stuffing for chicken, as a topping for beef, fish, or veal, in omelets, or
served on crostini as an appetizer.

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