256 Chapter 11 Menu Planning: Horizontal and Vertical Pairing Decisions
(Food Spiciness = Wine Spiciness: Yes = 1, No = 0)
Moderate Food Spice and Wine Sweetness __ __ ____
(Food Spiciness = Wine Sweetness: Yes = 1, No = 0)
High Levels of Food Spice (Yes = No Match) No Match
Flavor Intensity Match ____
(Food Intensity = Wine Intensity: Yes = 1, No = 0)
Flavor Type Match __ __ ____
(Flavors similar or contrasting: Yes = 1, No = 0)
Flavor Persistency Match ____
Total Score __
Flavor Similarity Contrast Score
Low to Moderate Spice Level Match __ __ ____
(Food Persistence = Wine Persistence: Yes = 1, No = 0)
(Food Fattiness = Wine Acid: Yes = 1, No = 0)
Food and Wine Body Match __ __ _____
(Food Overall Body = Wine Overall Body: Yes = 1, No = 0)
Figure 11.4
Next, you should consider the texture relationships based on the food and wine pro-
files. Sauvignon Blanc has no tannin, so it does not create a match with food fattiness. The
wine acidity could create a match with food fattiness, but in this case the fat is animal (dairy)
rather than vegetable. Finally, in looking at the body-to-body match, it is obvious that the
body of the pasta is substantially higher than that of the Sauvignon Blanc.
In terms of flavor, the pasta and wine have a match based on similar spice levels,
intensity levels, flavor type contrasts, and persistency levels. The spice levels are about the
same in both items; the wine is slightly more intense, while the pasta flavor is slightly more
persistent. The main flavors in the food are lightly smoky and cheesy. The main flavor in
the wine is herbal and grassy. This creates a contrast match between them.
Overall, the predicted level of match would be a 6 or 7, depending on your interpre-
tation of the sweetness match. The students’ average perceived match when they tasted the
pasta and wine together was 6.5—very close to the predicted level. This score is on the
border between a neutral and good match for this particular wine and food combination.
When students tasted them together, the combination was adequate but could have been
improved with some other possibilities. For instance, a Chardonnay with some oakiness to