Effective Career Guidance - Career Guide

(Rick Simeone) #1
personal recognition and development were studied and then published in the
website (www.career-guide.eu). Other parts of the research activities of this area
were self concept, self esteem, self assessment, a proposed coaching process,
practices, methodology on children’s interests and values.
● Know about the labour market: In this thematic area, topics concerning
labour market were worked on. Main topics are industry constraints, research
on marketable and non marketable professions, providing a methodology for
organizing career panels and career days in schools or educational institutes.
● develop your career path: In this working group, some practices concerning
career design skills – especially, problem solving and decision making – are
studied and then published in the website. The development of competencies
and skills or Role playing games and exercises on: Decision making skills, CV
writing, presentation skills, social skills, communication, personal effectiveness,
Cultural adaptation skills, learn how to search job vacancies were investigated
and published in the website

According to this categorization, activities and exercise were developed in structured and
detailed way, covering the three thematic areas. This material comprise the 3rd part of the
“Effective Career Guidance” report.
The main aim is to provide to teacher or counsellor a practical manual with exercises and
activities detailed described, with a theoretical framework and the expected results.
All the exercises have been implemented and evaluated by teachers and counsellors from
different countries through Europe. It is a fact that some activities had different evaluation
in different countries. It is normal and expected result, as far the educational systems, the
aims, procedures and the culture are different in each country.
The CareerGUIDE Materials were provided for download in the CareerGUIDE Forum (www.
carer-guide.eu). For each material the forum contained a thread including the English ver-
sion of the material and additional translations in several of the project partner languages.
An online evaluation form was designed for teachers who implemented CareerGUIDE Ma-
terials at schools
(This form could be accessed from within the respective forum thread. For some teachers
access to the CareerGUIDE Forum was difficult due to low practical experience in the use
of forums in general. For that reason, a clear description of the evaluation process was
provided in the CareerGUIDE Portal to support the teachers. In some cases, partners de-
cided to provide the teachers with a print version of the evaluation form. The form asked the
teachers to rate each implemented material according to three aspects:

•    Applicability: its practicability for you as a career guidance professional (e.g. suitability
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