Effective Career Guidance - Career Guide

(Rick Simeone) #1

A different identity card

Theoretical background:

Self-concept or self-identity is the mental and conceptual understanding and persistent re-
gard that sentient beings hold for their own existence. In other words, it is the sum total of
a being’s knowledge and understanding of his or her self. The self-concept is different from
self-consciousness, which is an awareness or preoccupation with one’s self. Components
of the self-concept include physical, psychological, and social attributes, which can be in-
fluenced by the individual’s attitudes, habits, beliefs and ideas. These components and at-
tributes can not be condensed to the general concepts of self-image and the self-esteem.

Target group:

● Pupils 15 to 17 years old
● Counsellors
● Teachers

exercise description:

This is an activity based on self- concept and tries to match the pupils’ characteristics with
these of various professions.

Pedagogical aims:

● To motivate students to discriminate the external self traits from the internal
● To help them accept their traits
● To motivate them to realize that all traits are essential and to accept that fact.
● To motivate them to understand that all professions have specific characteristics
and the safer way to choose a profession is firstly to realize and understand
● To motivate them to match personal characteristics with the professions’ ones.


35 minutes including the conversation

resources needed:


Free download pdf