Effective Career Guidance - Career Guide

(Rick Simeone) #1

Thomas’ story: Worksheet 1

Please read the following true story ...and give your personal end. How do you believe this
story ends up?
Thomas dropped out school when he was 9 years old.
His teachers deemed that he was not clever at all. So her mother taught him to learn and
write. From the very early age Thomas was very curious and had a great interest for eve-
rything around him...so he had as a chance to way out the reading of many many scientific
From the age of 13 years old, Thomas was selling newspapers and candies near to the lo-
cal rail way station...just to earn some coins....his favor game was flipping a coin.... When
he was fifteen years old, he saved the little son of the stationmaster from a train that was
coming with great rapidity. As a return for saving his son, the stationmaster taught to Tho-
mas how a telegrapher works.....







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