Effective Career Guidance - Career Guide

(Rick Simeone) #1

to play with - and do play with them until it feels right.

Keeping a track on your progress

Keep track of what you are achieving at least once a week - preferably at the same time
each week. These are the sort of questions you might ask yourself:

● What have I done towards achieving my goals this week?
● What did I not do that I’d intended to do?
● What opportunities are there this coming week?
● What would I like to be different in 7 days time?

All the way through this process, keep dated, written records for yourself to refer back to.
Why? Quite simply, it’s very difficult for us to see on a day to day basis how we are progress-
ing. By having clearly stated objectives to work towards, and focusing on them at regular
intervals, we are much more likely to achieve what we want, when we want. If you track your
progress in this fashion you will see a number of things:

● What progress you are actually making. If you look back after 3 months of regular
focused activity you will be astonished at the shifts you’ve made.
● By tracking what you intended to do but didn’t you will soon find out where there
are blocks, or patterns of resistence.
● How much you can achieve with regular focused attention. By carrying out
regular reviews - reminding yourself of how you want things to be different and
what you can do about it, you can hold yourself accountable to yourself for taking
action. This can be very powerful.

If you’ve read this far, you’re obviously serious about wanting some change in your life, and
the tools here are designed to get you going on your own. If you get stuck at any point, you
can always re-visit these pages for more ideas, or contact me, David Bates, at Tree of Life
Coaching to book a FREE one-off introductory telephone coaching session.

Copyright © 2002, all rights reserved.
You may copy, forward or distribute this article if this copyright notice and full information for
contacting David Bates at Tree of Life Coaching (www.treeoflifecoaching.co.uk) are included.
David can be contacted on 020 8440 4925 or by email: [email protected]

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