Effective Career Guidance - Career Guide

(Rick Simeone) #1

vironment and genetic endowment) and emphasises the role of instrumental & associative
learning. Consequently, key concepts/tools for the practitioner are reinforcement and mod-
elling. The application of this theory to practice involves the practitioner attempting to iden-
tify and correct any incorrect beliefs held by the client about the decision making process.
It was developed to address the questions:

● why people enter particular educational course or jobs;
● why they may change direction during their lives;
● why they may express various preferences for different activities at different
points in their lives.

The following are identified as influential in these processes:

1.1 Influential factors:

Krumboltz examines the impact of 4 categories of factors:

  1. Genetic endowment and special abilities

● race
● gender
● physical appearance & characteristics.

Individuals differ both in their ability to benefit from learning experiences and to get access
to different learning experiences because of these types of inherited qualities.

  1. environmental Conditions and events

● social, cultural & political
● economic forces
● natural forces & natural resources.

These are generally outside the control of any one individual. Their influence can be planned
or unplanned.

  1. Learning experiences

Each individual has a unique history of learning experiences that results in their occupation-
al choice. They often don’t remember the specific character or sequence of these learning
experiences, but rather they remember general conclusions from them (e.g. I love animals/
working with children). The two main types of learning experiences identified in the theory

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