Traditional title: Brief Exposition
Original title: Summaria Expositio Doctrinae Novae Ecclesiae, Quae per
Novam Hierosolymam in Apocalypsi Intelligitur [Survey of Teachings of
the New Church Meant by the New Jerusalem in the Book of Revela-
tion]. Amsterdam: 1769.
Soul-Body Interaction
Traditional title: Intercourse between the Soul and Body
Original title: De Commercio Animae et Corporis, Quod Creditur Fieri
vel per Infl uxum Physicum, vel per Infl uxum Spiritualem, vel per Harmo-
niam Praestabilitam [Soul-Body Interaction, Believed to Occur either
by a Physical Infl ow, or by a Spiritual Infl ow, or by a Preestablished
Harmony]. London: 1769.
True Christianity
Traditional title: True Christian Religion
Original title: Vera Christiana Religio, Continens Universam Theologiam
Novae Ecclesiae a Domino apud Danielem Cap. VII: 13 – 14 , et in Apocalypsi
Cap. XXI: 1 , 2 Praedictae [True Christianity: Containing a Comprehen-
sive Theology of the New Church That Was Predicted by the Lord in
Daniel 7 : 13 – 14 and Revelation 21 : 1 , 2 ]. Amsterdam: 1771.