48 HEAVEN and HELL §86
- The Lord accepts everyone who is involved in what is good and
worships the Divine in human form: 9359. It is impossible to think
about God except in human form, and what is incomprehensible does
not accord with any concept, so it does not accord with any faith: 9359 ,
- We can worship something of which we have some concept, but
not something of which we have no concept: 4733 , 5110 , 5633 [ 5663 ], 7211 ,
9267 [ 10067 ], 10267. Therefore by most people worldwide the Divine is
worshiped in human form; and this is the case because of an infl ow from
heaven: 10159. When people who are engaged in what is good in their
behavior think about the Lord, they think about a divine human, and
not about some human separated from the Divine. It is different for
people who are not engaged in what is good in their behavior: 2326 ,
4724 , 4731 , 4766 , 8878 , 9193 , 9198. The people nowadays who think
about the Lord’s human apart from the Divine are the ones in the church
who are engaged in evil in their behavior and those who are in faith sepa-
rated from thoughtfulness; also some reasons why they do not grasp
what the divine human is: 3212 , 3241 , 4689 , 4692 , 4724 , 4731 , 5321 , 6372
[ 6872 ], 8878 , 9193 , 9198. The Lord’s human was divine because he had
his soul from the very reality of the Father; illustrated by the resem-
blance of a father in his children: 10270 [ 10269 ], 10372 , 10823. Also
because it came from divine love, which was the very reality of his life
from conception: 6872. The nature of every individual is determined by
his or her deepest love; and each of us is his or her own deepest love:
6872 , 10177 , 10284. The Lord made his whole human nature divine—
both its inward and its outward constituents: 1603 , 1815 , 1902 , 1926 ,
2093 , 2803 [ 2083 ]. So, unlike any other person, he rose with his whole
body: 1729 , 2083 , 5078 , 10825.
[ 9 ] The divinity of the Lord’s human is recognized in his omnipresence
in the Holy Supper: 2343 , 2359. It is also recognized in his transfi guration
before the three disciples; 3212 , and also from the Word of the Old Testa-
ment, where he is called “God”: 10154 ; and where he is called “Jehovah”:
1603 , 1736 , 1815 , 1902 , 2921 , 3035 , 5110 , 6281 , 6303 , 8864 , 9194 , 9315. In the
literal meaning, a distinction is made between Father and Son or between
Jehovah and the Lord, but this is not the case in the inner meaning of the
Word that angels attend to: 3035. In the Christian world, the Lord’s human
is not recognized as divine, a situation that has come about in order that
the pope might be recognized as his vicar: 3035 [ 4738 ].
[ 10 ] Some Christians in the other life were examined to determine
what kind of concept of the one God they had, and it was discovered
that they had a concept of three gods: 2329 , 5256 , 10736 , 10737 , 10738 ,