Science - USA (2021-12-10)

(Antfer) #1
dered down the slope, the fiber detected
internal structures in the flows, including
“roll waves” produced by instabilities in
their dense flowing core. “You see waves
that had only been predicted theoretically,”
Fichtner says. “You see them immediately.”
Buoyed by these results, the team shifted
its sights to one of Iceland’s largest and
most dangerous volcanoes, Grímsvötn,
which is buried beneath an ice cap but
monitored only by a lone seismic station.
It last erupted for 4 days in 2011, blowing
a hole in the ice cap and lofting ash into
the stratosphere that grounded hundreds
of transatlantic flights. As global warming
accelerates melting of the ice cap, it could
uncork Grímsvötn; the declining weight
could allow pressurized magma to more
easily fracture its rock jailhouse and escape.
The researchers wanted to know whether
Grímsvötn was growing more restless.
That led Fichtner, Thrastarson, and
others to make the 2-day trek to the cal-
dera in April. Using a sled weighed down
by an oil barrel and towed by a snowcat,
they plowed a half-meter trench in the ice
and snow, burying a 12-kilometer-long ca-
ble that circumscribed the caldera before
bending into the center. They left the in-
strument box running for several months,
beaming its data back. Fichtner was aston-
ished at the upheaval they detected: some
1800 small earthquakes within 10 kilo-

meters of the caldera, more than 10 times
the number seen by the seismometer.
They also picked up a distinct hum,
smoother than any known kind of volca-
nic tremor. Their best guess is that it is a
resonance, generated as tremors ring the
300-meter-thick ice cap like a bell. If so,
changes in the hum could signal changes
in ice thickness, or provide warning of in-
creased volcanic activity, Fichtner says.
Fichtner isn’t alone in his focus on fro-
zen worlds. In 2016, Ajo-Franklin led a
team to Fairbanks, Alaska, to see whether
fibers could monitor permafrost, the sub-
surface layer of frozen soil, chock full of
preserved organic matter, that is threat-
ened by climate change across much of
the Arctic. They laid a 4-kilometer-long
fiber cable in a crisscrossing array at a
military research site. More than 100 small
borehole heaters warmed the surround-
ing soil, and an instrument that wobbles
like a badly loaded washing machine set
off vibrations at the surface. The resulting
data—hundreds of terabytes, flown back in
hard drives in students’ luggage—showed
the fibers could indeed detect thawing:
Meltwater significantly slowed the speed
of the seismic waves. The study, to be pub-
lished this year, raises the possibility of
using dark fiber and ambient earthquake
waves to track permafrost thaw—which
could inform projections of how much car-

bon these thawing soils will release with
continued Arctic warming.

TWO YEARS AGO, a 7.1 magnitude earthquake
struck Ridgecrest, California, 180 kilometers
north of Los Angeles—the most powerful
quake to hit California in 20 years. Zhongwen
Zhan, a seismologist at the California Insti-
tute of Technology, was elated. He knew
Ridgecrest would ring for days with after-
shocks; by deploying a fiber array to detect
and analyze them, he could learn about
other earthquake hazards. The local tele-
com helped his team hook up four boxes
on unused fibers, including one stretching
8 kilometers under the town. In just a few
days, the team had installed the equivalent
of thousands of seismic sensors. And then
they watched while the ground continued
to shake.
On a traditional seismic hazard map,
Ridgecrest was a single pixel, the whole
area lumped together with the same risk.
The aftershocks caught by the fiber ar-
ray revealed the drastic variations within
that pixel, with one side of the town shak-
ing three times more strongly than the
other. Using a different set of vibrations—
mini–seismic waves from traffic—to image
the shallowest parts of subsurface, Zhan
and colleagues found that the shaky side
of town sat on far looser sediments, a risk
unknown to residents. The array also identi-




Fiber optic cable

glass fiber

Trac noise

Seismic waves
shift a defect

Laser pulse

Backscattered pulse



Good vibrations
Fiber optic cables don’t just carry data from sensors; now, they are the sensors. By offering the equivalent of a
seismometer every meter or so along their length, fibers portend a cheaper way to study motions on Earth.

Fibers not only locate distant quakes,
but also reveal the composition
and structure of surrounding rock
“illuminated” by seismic waves.

In regions that are barely monitored
by traditional seismometers, fibers
can be used to detect the small tremors
that often foreshadow eruptions.

Fibers have revealed hidden motions in
glaciers and avalanches. They could
also be used to detect the timing and
extent of thawing permafrost.

Offshore cables have detected storms,
ship traffic, and acoustic waves that
probe temperatures in the deep
ocean—a way to assess its capacity to
buffer climate change.

City monitoring
Shifts in traffic and footfalls have been
correlated to pandemic lockdowns.
The data could also be used to track
commercial activity.

Dark fiber
Fiber optic cables are bundles
of glass fibers, each no thicker
than a human hair. Telecoms often bury them
with extra capacity. This unused “dark” fiber
can be tapped cheaply and safely, without
interrupting existing data streams.

In the firing line
When seismic waves cross a fiber, they
displace defects in the fiber by nanometers—
creating a shift in the backscattered pulse of
laser light.

SCIENCE 10 DECEMBER 2021 • VOL 374 ISSUE 6573 1315



A world of noise
Existing or newly deployed fibers have much
to listen to.
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