Science - USA (2021-12-10)

(Antfer) #1

of Rad51 activity ( 35 ); in yeast, the Rad51 para-
logs Rad55 and Rad57 form a stable homodimer
that accelerates assembly of Rad51 filaments on
single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) during homolo-
gous recombination through a transient inter-
action with Rad51 ( 36 ). The lack of structural

data for the Rad55–Rad57 complex and its in-
terface with Rad51 has limited mechanistic
understanding of this process. We generated
a model of the trimeric Rad55–Rad57–Rad51
complex, which in combination with the known
Rad51 filament structure ( 37 ), suggests that

Rad55–Rad57 binds at the 5′end of the Rad51
filament where it could promote growth of
the Rad51 filament in a directional manner
(Fig. 5B and fig. S18).
Nucleotide excision repair (NER) requires
a search for lesions in DNA that is mediated

Humphreyset al.,Science 374 , eabm4805 (2021) 10 December 2021 6 of 12

Fig. 4. Protein complexes involved in metabolism, GPI anchor biosynthesis, or including a protein of unknown function.Coloring is as in Figs. 2 and 3.
Proteins annotated in the Uniprot database as uncharacterized proteins are denoted with an asterisk. Full names for these proteins are in table S4.


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