Classic & Sports Car - December 2015 UK

(WallPaper) #1


proportionsonto European-sized
carshas not alwaysdelivered
happyresults,but it was an art
that General Motors had
masteredto nearperfectionby
the mid-1960sat its German
outpostin Rüsselsheim.Thus,thereis an elegant
confidenceaboutthe RekordC range– built
between 1966 and ’71 – that is as easy on the eye
as a HerbAlperttune is on the ear.
The worldhas ratherforgottenthesecompe-
tent,unpretentiousyet stylishmiddle-range
Opelswith theircurvedhips and neatlyresolved
detailing.In West Germany, the RekordC and
CommodoreA wereso ubiquitousthey became
mobilestreetfurniture–producedto the tune of
1.2 millionexamplesfor a homeaudiencethat
wantedsomethingmoreglamorousthana VW
but couldn’t stretchto a Mercedes.
In the UK,theyrepresentedmostpeople’s
first awarenessof the Opelmarque,and come
froma long-forgottentimewhenalmostany
foreign car was seenas upmarket. WhenGM
startedimportingthe RekordC in 1967, it care-
fully pickedvariantsthat wouldn’t harmsalesof
the superficiallysimilarVauxhalls.Instead,it
aimedthemat the posher‘youngexecutive’
2-litresaloonsectorthat was dominatedat the
luxuryend by Roverand Triumph,and aspired
to by the flas hy FordCorsair 2000Eat the other.
The four-speed,90bhpRekord1900L,with
its heatedrear windowand alternator, was as fast
as the £1400Rover 2000 but cost £250less. It
sold not only on its equipment,such as reclining
seats,but on an imageof West Germanquality
and reliabilitythat was alreadygainingcredence.
Behindthe glitzylooks,therewas an auraof
sensible,practicaldurabilityaboutan Opelthat

  • as well as the optionof a 2.2-litre‘six’ – all with
    Opel’s ruggedcam-in-headarchitecture.
    The Rekordand Commodorecoupésyou see
    here reflectedthe West Germanlove affairwith
    two-doorsin the 1960sand ’70s – rememberthe
    weirdGranadasthey sold in Germany?– and it
    is the fastbacksthat mostpeopleseemto recall,
    if they recognisetheseOpelsat all.
    So that’s whatwe have assembledhere,thanks
    to Opel’s museumcuratorUweMartin.The
    bonus car is a Rekordcabriolet thatyou will
    perhapsbe less familiarwith– a low-volume
    odditybasedon the two-doorsaloonbodyshell
    and builtby coachbuilderKarlDeutschon
    behalfof Opel.But moreon that later.

162 Classic&SportsCarDecember 2015

distancedit nicelyfromVauxhall’s well-earned
(and hardto shakeoff) ’60s rust-bucketimage.
As wellas boastingmid-Atlanticstyleand
Te utonicquality, Opelofferedgoodold-fash-
ionedAmericanchoice.Its productsechoedthe
Detroitidiomof variety,beingproducedand sold
on a Statesidemodelthat encouragedendless
optionsof trim and specification.The Rekords
and Commodoresformedarangethat embraced
31 differentversions,and no fewerthannine
distinctbodystylesif you factorin the two-and
four-doorsaloons,the ‘CarAVan’ estateand not
forgettingthe panelvan. Commodoreswere
Rekords spanned 1.5-, 1.7- and 1.9-litre engines

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