History of the Christian Church, Volume IV: Mediaeval Christianity. A.D. 590-1073.

(Rick Simeone) #1

  1. Tharyk crosses the Straits from Africa to Europe, and calls the mountain Jebel Tharyk

  2. Battle of Poitiers and Tours; Abd-er-Rahman defeated by Charles Martel; Western Europe
    saved from Moslem conquest.
    786–809. Haroun al Rashîd, Caliph of Bagdad. Golden era of Mohammedanism. Correspondence
    with Charlemagne).

  3. Allp Arslan, Seljukian Turkish prince.

  4. The First Crusade. Capture of Jerusalem by Godfrey of Bouillon.

  5. Saladin, the Sultan of Egypt and scourge of the Crusaders, conquers at Tiberias and takes
    Jerusalem, (1187); is defeated by Richard Coeur de Lion at Askelon, and dies 1193. Decline
    of the Crusades.
    1288–1326. Reign of Othman, founder of the Ottoman (Turkish) dynasty.

  6. Capture of Constantinople by Mohammed II., "the Conqueror," and founder of the greatness
    of Turkey. (Exodus of Greek scholars to Southern Europe; the Greek Testament brought to the
    West; the revival of letters.)

  7. July 2. Boabdil (or Alien Abdallah) defeated by Ferdinand at Granada; end of Moslem rule
    in Spain. (Discovery of’ America by Columbus).

  8. Ottoman Sultan Selim I. conquers Egypt, wrests the caliphate from the Arab line of the
    Koreish through Motawekkel Billah, and transfers it to the Ottoman Sultans; Ottoman caliphate
    never acknowledged by Persian or Moorish Moslems. (The Reformation.)
    1521–1566. Solyman II., "the Magnificent," marks the zenith of the military power of the Turks;
    takes Belgrade (1521), defeats the Hungarians (1526), but is repulsed from Vienna (1529 and

  9. Defeat of Selim II. at the naval battle of Lepanto by the Christian powers under Don John
    of Austria. Beginning of the decline of the Turkish power.

  10. Final repulse of the Turks at the gates of Vienna by John Sobieski, king of Poland, 2Sept.
    12; Eastern Europe saved from Moslem rule.

  11. Peace at Jassy in Moldavia, which made the Dniester the frontier between Russia and Turkey.

  12. Annihilation of the Turko-Egyptian fleet by, the combined squadrons of England, France,
    and Russia, in the battle of Navarino, October 20. Treaty of Adrianople, 1829. Independence
    of the kingdom of Greece, 1832.

  13. End of Crimean War; Turkey saved by England and France aiding the Sultan against the
    aggression of Russia; Treaty of Paris; European agreement not to interfere in the domestic
    affairs of Turkey.

  14. Defeat of the Turks by Russia; but checked by the interference of England under the lead of
    Lord Beaconsfield. Congress of the European powers, and Treaty of Berlin; independence of
    Bulgaria secured; Anglo-Turkish Treaty; England occupies Cyprus—agrees to defend the
    frontier of Asiatic Turkey against Russia, on condition that the Sultan execute fundamental
    reforms in Asiatic Turkey.

  15. Supplementary Conference at Berlin. Rectification and enlargement of the boundary of
    Montenegro and Greece.

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