New Scientist - USA (2021-12-11)

(Maropa) #1

12 | New Scientist | 11 December 2021


ANCIENT footprints that were
once thought to have been made
by a bear walking on its hind legs
were actually made by an extinct
human species. The discovery
means there are now three known
sets of hominin footprints from
the same locale in Tanzania.
It isn’t clear which hominin
species made the prints. The
authors of the new study say they
don’t match the other sets of
footprints at the site in Tanzania –
called Laetoli – so were probably
made by a different species. If this
is true, it would mean that two
hominin species coexisted in the
same region at the same time.
“Not only are they not a bear,
they are hominin and they are not
the same hominin as those that
made [the other footprints],” says
Ellison McNutt at Ohio University
Heritage College of Osteopathic
Medicine in Athens.
The five footprints were
discovered at Laetoli’s “site A”
in 1976. The tracks had been
left in soft volcanic ash that
subsequently hardened into rock.
They were initially thought to have
been left by a hominin, but later

studies suggested that they were
actually made by a bear walking
on its hind legs. As a result, site A
fell into obscurity.
Meanwhile, more footprints
were found at “site G” in Laetoli,
a few kilometres away. These were
definitely made by hominins.
The trail stretches 24 metres
and includes prints (one of which
is pictured above) from three
individuals walking together. Both

sets of footprints are 3.66 million
years old and are thought to have
been made by Australopithecus
afarensis, the species to which the
famous Lucy fossil belonged.
Now, McNutt and her colleagues
have re-excavated the footprints
at site A. “The bear hypothesis was
very reasonable at the time,” she
says, because the prints do look
unusual. But the sediment in
them was never properly cleaned
out, so their true shape wasn’t
known. McNutt’s team cleaned
the prints thoroughly and
produced 3D scans of them.
The researchers compared the
tracks from site A with footprints
made by humans, chimpanzees
and American black bears. “There
are a lot of things that make it
distinctly hominin,” says McNutt.
For example, the big toes were
proportionally much larger than
the second toes, which is seen
in hominins but not in bears
The team was “very clever”
to re-excavate site A, says Marco
Cherin at the University of Perugia
in Italy. “I think it almost definitely
is a hominin.”

McNutt and her colleagues
also argue that the prints don’t
match the more famous tracks at
site G, so were therefore made by
a different hominin. For instance,
the hominin seems to have cross-
stepped, meaning it brought its
feet across its body’s central line,
a gait seen in its most exaggerated
form when fashion models walk

down runways placing one foot
directly in front of the other.
“It’s not afarensis,” says McNutt.
“It is certainly Australopithecus
or something very like it.”
She adds that elsewhere in
Africa, there is clear evidence
of multiple hominin species
coexisting in the same regions,
so it wouldn’t be surprising if
the same was true at Laetoli.
Cherin isn’t convinced about
that. “For the moment, I would
be most cautious about the
possibility of having two
hominins in Laetoli,” he says.  ❚

Human evolution

Michael Marshall


N^ R




E^ P




Fossil footprints hint at mystery

hominin with unusual walking style

A footprint left by a
hominin 3.66 million
years ago


POWERFUL outbursts of energy
from young sun-like stars could
be central to how they and their
planetary systems form, according
to a modelling study. The results
hint at a possible explanation for a
decades-old astrophysical mystery.
One idea for how stars like our
own are born – the steady-state
concept – makes predictions about
how bright young stars should be
when they are under construction,

continuously gathering gas and
dust. Yet when we look into the
Milky Way, these objects aren’t
anywhere near that bright and don’t
appear to grow quickly enough. This
is called the luminosity problem.
A competing idea examined
in the new research – the outburst
model – suggests that nascent suns
brighten dramatically during flurries
of feeding as they accumulate, or
accrete, material. “Outbursts solve
the luminosity problem by providing
episodes of much higher accretion,”
says Jason Steffen at the University
of Nevada, Las Vegas, one of the
researchers behind the work.

Because this type of episode is
transitory, that would help explain
why we don’t see young stars
blazing brightly all the time.
As part of the study, the team
modelled the physical properties
and composition of a disc of
material around a young sun that

had undergone outbursts. This
tallied better with observations
than the steady-state theory.
For example, the outburst model
more closely replicated the mix of
ingredients measured in primitive
meteorites from our solar system,
known as carbonaceous chondrites
The team also suggests that
heating from outbursts by the infant
sun could shed light on the origins
of features in some meteorites
called calcium-aluminium-rich
inclusions, which appear to have
been forged at high temperatures. ❚

New look at infant
suns may solve
galactic mystery

Will Gater










A star-forming
cloud captured
by NASA’s Spitzer
Space Telescope

footprints were left by a mysterious
hominin at a site in Tanzania
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