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(Maropa) #1

32 | New Scientist | 11 December 2021

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Michael Pearce
UK cinemas, Amazon Prime

ENCOUNTER brings together
three of the most exciting stars
in the British film industry:
director Michael Pearce, whose
debut feature Beast was critically
acclaimed on its release in 2017,
screenwriter Joe Barton, who
created the equally lauded Giri/
Haji, and Riz Ahmed, whose
performances in Four Lions,
The Night Of and Sound Of Metal
secured his status as one of
the UK’s best actors.
For the first half of Encounter,
their talents complement each
other perfectly. Ahmed stars as
Malik Khan, an ex-soldier on a
mission to rescue his two young
children Jay (Lucian-River
Chauhan) and Bobby (Aditya
Geddada) when the world
comes under attack from an
extraterrestrial invasion that
is made more terrifying by the fact
that the aliens come in the form
of parasitic microorganisms
that first infect insects, then
move on to tackle humans.
Encounter begins by
immediately establishing the
seriousness of the extraterrestrial
threat. Before the title sequence
even hits the screen, we see the
aliens arrive on Earth, attack
insects and then quickly explode
in numbers. Pearce shoots this
sequence with a detail that is
simple to follow yet sinister
and creepy. So much so that the
subsequent shots of insects
will make your skin crawl.
The action ratchets up further
when Malik’s ex-wife Piya (Janina
Gavankar), who doesn’t see the
rescue in quite the same light,
informs the authorities that her

children have been kidnapped.
Special agents Shepard (Rory
Cochrane) and Hattie (Octavia
Spencer) are put on the case
and set off in pursuit across
the mountains and deserts
of California and Nevada.

At this early stage of the film,
it is a blast, successfully towing
the line between a riveting sci-fi
drama and a road-trip movie.
Ahmed commands the screen
instantly, giving Malik a toughness
and intensity that emerge
gradually as the story progresses.
The young actors who play his
sons are just as impressive, but
for very different reasons. It won’t
take long for audiences to be
charmed by Geddada, who brings
a much needed levity and heart
to the film. Chauhan becomes
more confident as time goes on,
displaying an impressive maturity

as if the story is thrashing around.
It is unnerving to say the least.
Despite this unexpected shift
in perspective, the narrative isn’t
entirely derailed. It soon finds
its footing again, and Ahmed’s
continually powerful performance
ensures that Encounter remains
intriguing all the way to its finale.
Chauhan, alongside him,
does a great job at keeping
the intensity high.
On the other hand, anyone
who was enjoying the sci-fi-cum-
road-trip experience may find
themselves less invested in the
more intimate and psychological
character study that Encounter
becomes. Ultimately, by the time
the credits roll, it feels like two
separate movies that have been
jammed together to form an
uneven psychological sci-fi
thriller that, while good, could
have been so much more. ❚

Gregory Wakeman is a journalist
based in Los Angeles

and strength of character.
Pearce gives Malik, Jay and
Bobby the space to build a
genuinely touching connection.
With all this going on amid
the beauty and desolation of
the Californian mountains, it is
impossible not to be drawn into
the story. Barton’s economical
and believable script propels
the film forwards, while providing
just enough backstory on the alien
attack to keep audiences intrigued.
The soundtrack, too, subtly
makes the alien creatures feel
present and menacing, without
ever allowing the sound of their
advancement to get in the way
of the scene-building and
Then, just when Encounter is
really getting under way, Pearce
hits us with a seismic shift in
direction. While potentially a
deliberate ploy to surprise the
audience and keep us engaged,
it doesn’t quite work. Instead,
it disrupts what was building
into a beautiful and unnervingly
atmospheric experience and
throws us for a loop. For a good
10 minutes after this turn, it feels





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Invasion of the tiny aliens

Sci-fi meets road trip in Encounter, a film that starts well, but then veers off
course just when it is star ting to get f un, says Gregory Wakeman

Malik (Riz Ahmed, centre)
is determined to prepare
his sons to fight the aliens

“ Ahmed commands
the screen, giving
Malik a toughness
and intensity as the
story progresses”
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