56 Macworld • January 2022
MacCleaner Pro 2’s Funter module, which allows quick access to
hidden files within the macOS.
which folders
are targeted
for clean-up.
While the
module was
able to get the
vast majority
of the files,
it didn’t have
to remove
five small
files, which
a small hiccup that needed to be
worked around.
The Funter module allows macOS
to show and work with hidden files
without having to unlock these via
Terminal commands, which is useful
in instances where you need to
work with or remove these files. The
module’s name may be unusual, but
the module itself comes in handy.
Finally, the Memory Cleaner
module allows you to quickly free up
RAM on the fly, as well as monitors
which applications are chewing up
this resource.
MacCleaner Pro 2 comes as an
unexpected surprise in a crowded
field of utilities, complete with speedy
replies to email requests, a good
interface, and smooth operation. It
may not be the flashiest thing out
there, but it offers a good interface,
good set of utilities, and is worth your
consideration. Chris Barylick