78 Macworld • January 2022
The default Keyboard menu bar icon (left) doesn’t look like a keyboard. When
you set up Keyboard with different layouts (middle), the icon changes to a flag or
symbol that represents the language that is active. If you activate the keyboard
shortcut and use the default Control-spacebar combo, a layout switcher (right)
appears in the middle of the screen and you tap the spacebar until the layout you
want is highlighted.
more by clicking on the ‘+’ button on
the lower left (clicking ‘-’ removes a
layout). A pop-up window will appear
with the layouts that are available.
You can add as many keyboard
layouts as you want. The trick then
becomes how to switch the layout.
You have a few options:
- If you check the box for Show input
in menu bar, a menu bar icon appears,
and you can quickly change the layout
by clicking that icon and selecting the
one you want. - If you prefer a keyboard shortcut,
you can activate it in the Shortcuts
tab. Select Input Sources in the left
column, and you can use the default
key combination or set up your own. - Under Input Sources, you can select
the Use Caps Lock key to switch to
and from last used Latin input source
checkbox. With this active, you’ll need
to press and then hold the Caps Lock
key to enable typing in all caps.
- Also under Input Sources is an
option to Automatically switch to a
document’s input source. This allows
you to assign a layout to a document.
For example, if you are using the
Maori layout but use English in a
Microsoft Word document, macOS
will automatically switch the layout
when you’re using Word.
You can set up macOS so that
whenever a user logs in, they can
select the keyboard layout at the login