Macworld - UK (2022-01)

(Maropa) #1
96 Macworld • January 2022


media, and may require
an upgrade from your
current iCloud storage
level. However, it can
be worth the trade-off
of hundreds to several
hundreds of pounds for a
larger-capacity drive on
the new Mac.

  • Use optimized storage
    in macOS via the iCloud
    preference pane in
    Mojave and earlier or
    the Apple ID preference
    pane’s iCloud view
    in Catalina and later. Selecting
    Optimize Mac automatically offloads
    files synced via iCloud Drive to your
    iCloud storage as needed.

  • Get help from macOS in finding
    items to delete. Choose Apple >
    About This Mac > Storage and click
    Manage, and macOS makes a number
    of suggestions about how to reduce
    drive consumption. You may find (as I
    did) some large files you’d forgotten
    about. On my laptop, I had a nearly 13
    B Big Sur beta installer.

  • Use Spotlight to identify large files
    and apps ( with a
    Finder-based search. This can reveal
    items that the Storage view in the
    previous bullet point does not.

  • If there are items you want to

be sure you retain but don’t need
‘online’ – in other words, directly
and always connected to your Mac

  • transfer them to an inexpensive
    external hard drive, but be sure you
    have separate backups of that drive.
    (Some online backup services will
    only keep archives of attached drives
    for about a month at their basic
    service level without them being
    attached. Either set a reminder to
    attach and power them up monthly,
    or pay an additional fee, as with
    Backblaze [], for
    longer-term storage.)
    Once you’ve reduced occupied
    space below the level needed to
    transfer to a new Mac – being sure to
    empty the Trash – you can perform

macOS offers insight into the files that fill your drive,
including forgotten ones – like a massive beta macOS
installer here.
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