13 Policy Matters.qxp

(Rick Simeone) #1

The Shompen of Great Nicobar Island (India)— between “development” and dis-

Suresh Babu &
Denys P. Leighton.. 198

A layered homeland: history, culture and visions of development.........................Susan Delisle......... 212

Social science researchas a tool for conservation—the case of Kayan Mentarang
National Park (Indonesia)..................................................................................

Eghenter............... 224

Can traditions of tolerance help minimise conflict? An exploration of cultural fac-
tors supporting human-wildlife coexistence.........................................................Francine Madden... 234

Les contrats sociaux traditionnels (dina) et le transfert de gestion des ressources
naturelles renouvelable (GELOSE)—une alliance clé pour la conservation et le
développement durable à Madagascar................................................................

Ramiarison &
Tiana Eva
Razafindrakoto...... 242

Culte des ancêtres joroet sauvegarde des espèces menacées d’extinction à

Lala Jean
Rakotoniaina &
Johanna Durbin..... 248

SSeeccttiioonn IIIIII:: UUnnddeerrssttaannddiinngg aanndd mmeeaassuurriinngg bbiiooccuullttuurraall ddiivveerrssiittyy

Cultures and conservation: bridging the gap.......................................................Luisa Maffi............ 256

Development of a GIS for Global Biocultural Diversity..........................................

John R. Stepp, S.
Cervone, H.
Castaneda, A.
Lasseter, G. Stocks
& Y. Gichon........... 267

The IBCD: a measure of the world's bio-cultural diversity....................................

David Harmon &
Jonathan Loh........ 271
Biodiversity conservation, communication and language- is English a solution, a
problem or both?..............................................................................................Lars Softestad...... 281

SSeeccttiioonn IIVV:: NNeeww rreessoouurrcceess ffrroomm CCEEEESSPP mmeemmbbeerrss

Short review of “Contested Nature”....................................................................

Grazia Borrini-
Feyerabend and
Ellen L. Brown....... 284

Revue de « Conservation de la Nature et Développement».................................

Grinevald.............. 286

“Short review of “The Mountains of the Mediterranean World”.............................David Pitt.............. 289

Short review of “Against Extinction”................................................................... Dan Brockington.... 291

Short review of “Anthropology and History in Franche-Comté”............................. David Pitt.............. 293

Short review of “Handbook of Mangroves in the Philippines”................................Lawrence Liao....... 294

Numerous announcements of new books, articles and newsletters.......................various authors...... 296

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