13 Policy Matters.qxp

(Rick Simeone) #1
of collaborative management with fish-
ing groups and or/decentralised man-
agement. For fishing representatives,
training could include financial manage-
ment skills, group facilitation skills, and
participatory research methods.
Q MER’s will not be quick fixes. It may
take years for an MER to become
established in a community.
Practioners, funding agencies and oth-
ers involved in the process will need to
commit to this long-term community
based conservation process in order to
achieve socially and environmentally
sustainable results.

References & Bibliography
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ties?, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United
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Britto, R., Modernidade e tradicao, Universidade Federal
Fluminense, Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 1999.
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Diegues, A. C., Traditional Sea Tenure and coastal
Fisheries Resources Management in Brazil, Centro de
Culturas Maritimas, Sao Paulo (Brazil), 1994.
Diegues, A.C., Tradition and social change in the coastal
communities of Brazil, NUPAUB: Universidade de São
Paulo, São Paulo (Brazil), 1997.
Diegues, A.C., “A Socio-anthropologia das comunidades
de pescadores maritimos no Brasil.” Ethnografica, 3,
361-375. 1999.
FEEMA, Perfil Ambiental do Municipio de Arraial do Cabo,
Fundacão Estadual de Engenharia do Meio Ambiente,
Rio de Janeiro, 1988.
Filho, E. G., Historias de Celebres Naufragios do Cabo
Frio, Texto e Arte Consultoria Editorial Ltda, Rio de
Janeiro (Brazil), 1993.
Ghimire, K. B. and M.P Pimbert, Social change and con-

servation: environmental politics and impacts of
national parks and protected areas, Earthscan,
London, 1997.
IBAMA, Plano de Utilizacão: RESEX Arraial do Cabo, RJ
CNPT, Brasilia, 1999.
Ostrom, E., Governing the commons: the evolution of
institutions for collective action, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge (MASS), 1990.
Mc Goodwin, J., Understanding the cultures of fishing
communities: a key to fisheries management and food
security.FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 401. 2001.
Pinto da Silva, P., “From common property to co-man-
agement: Lessons from Brazil’s first maritime extrac-
tive reserve.” Marine Policy, in press, 2004
Pinto da Silva, P., From common property to co-manage-
ment: Social change and conservation in Brazil’s first
Maritime Extractive Reserve, Ph.D. dissertation,
London School of Economics, London, 2002.
PMAC, Census de Arraial do Cabo, RJ, Rio de Janeiro
(Brazil), 2000.
Prado, S., Da Anchova ao Salario Minimo, Unpublished
Masters Thesis, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio
de Janeiro (Brazil), 2000.
Safina, C., “The World’s Imperiled Fish”, Scientific
American, November: 46-53, 1995.
Teixeira de Mello, V., Regimento Interno da Colonia C. de
Pescadores Nossa Senhora dos Remedios Z – 22, Cabo
Frio, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 1921.
The Economist, “The tragedy of the oceans”, The

(^1) Safina, 1995.
(^2) FAO, 1998.
(^3) The Economist, 1994.
(^4) Diegues, 1997.
(^5) Baland and Plateau, 1996; Ghimire and Pimbert,
1997; Diegues, 1994; Ostrom, 1990.
(^6) Ecosystem characterised by sand dunes, cactus, and
low-lying, fruit-bearing shrubs and trees.
(^7) FEEMA, 1998.
(^8) Pinto da Silva, 2004.
(^9) PMAC, 2000.
(^10) Pinto da Silva, 2002.
(^11) Teixeira de Mello, 1921.
(^12) Pinto da Silva, 2002.
(^13) Britto, 1999:259.
(^14) Adapted from Britto, 1999.
(^15) Pinto da Silva, 2002.
(^16) Ostrom, 1998.
(^17) Ostrom, 1990:98.
(^18) Teixeira de Mello, 1921.
(^19) IBAMA, 1999.

Conservation aas ccultural aand ppolitical ppractice

Patricia Pinto da Silva
([email protected]) works as a
Social Development Specialist with the U.S.
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric
Administration in Woods Hole Massachusetts. Her
current research interests include social capital
and conservation, community-based fisheries
management, traditional ecological knowledge
and marine protected areas in North and South
America. Patricia is a CEESP/CMWG member.

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