Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1

138 Global Ethics for Leadership

understanding, of getting along and of growing up into, enjoying and
becoming useful and productive members of a wider diverse communi-
It is no coincidence that the cognitive tasks related to social activities
and face recognition are among the most fundamental, some would
claim innate^127 and demanding tasks that we undertake on a daily basis.
We are hardwired with and give priority to the ability to interact with
each other as a matter of basic survival. Furthermore, some studies show
that the more able we are socially to build strong and sustainable inter-
personal relations the more healthy and happy we are and the more like-
ly it is that we will live longer^128. In a post-globalised world intercultural
communication and training is a commonly found course both in its own
right and as a component of wider courses on business and organisation-
al management. The informed facility to be able to fit into and move
around in and with other cultures is critical for trade and for meaningful
and productive political, educational and social exchanges.

9.4 Migration versus Participation

Special challenges, and chances, come to the fore when working
with the reality of the various forms of migration. When seen from the
wider global perspective managing the scale and consequences of mass
movements of people, taking place increasingly as a result of environ-

Brain processes social information at high priority: Everyday actions acti-
vate bottom-up attention processes, Ruhr-University Bochum, Science Daily, 1
April 2016. 128
See Katerina V.A. Johnson and Robin I.M. Dunbar, Pain tolerance predicts
human social network size, Scientific Reports 6, Article no. 25267 (2016), and Scott Barry
Kaurman, The Secret of Long Life and Happiness Reveales, Psychology Today,
12 March 2011,

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