Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1

160 Global Ethics for Leadership

Economy is full of unlimited potential, and can help the supply aspect of
the economy to reform and expand consumer demands, becoming a new
economic growth momentum. “The rose is in Her Hand, the Flavor in

11.5 God is a Sharing God

Today, sharing is no longer a privilege, but each person's natural
behavioral disposition. Here, we would like to recall a universal theolog-
ical point of view, referring to the truth from the Bible. God not only
created the universe and us human beings, but is also willing to share
“creation after creation” with us!
When someone asks, if God exists, why then is there suffering in the
world? For me, at least in some sense, although we cannot not fully an-
swer this question, one view is: God could solve the problems and suf-
fering in the world completely, but he still lets them exist; this is exactly
the result of His will—to share his wisdom and courage with us as His
co-workers to address these challenges, problems, sufferings, and to
share His values and glory. He didn't want to let humans be a complete
spectator or puppet in God’s hand, but, instead, be His partner in free-
dom and love.
The Christian redemption story tells us that pain, problems and
doubts are all part of faith. When we experience suffering, we also share
with God His suffering. This is also an expression of sharing.

11.6 Limits of Sharing: Negative Energy

We unprecedentedly live in an age of sharing. Even if you don't take
the initiative to share, you have "been shared with". We also have to see
the phenomenon of sharing from another aspect: that negative energy
and bad news are also shared rapidly.

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