Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1

180 Global Ethics for Leadership

can assist those who are affected by the information to either advance or
protect their interests. Failure to disclose such information effectively
bars those affected by it from enhancing or protecting their interests.
Consequently, a lack of openness on the side of an organisation or its
leaders will be perceived as unfair or unethical by its stakeholders,
which in turn will undermine stakeholders’ perceptions of the trustwor-
thiness of organisations or of its leaders.

  • Competency
    Competence refers to the knowledge and skills needed by a person or
    party to influence the domain for which they are responsible^176. With
    regard to competence in organization two kinds of competence need to
    be discerned, namely, technical competence and people management
    Although technical knowledge does play a role in the trustworthiness
    of managers and organization, it is the competency to manage people
    that has the bigger impact on trust. Managers often lack competence in
    the latter as they are often promoted to management positions on the
    basis of their technical expertise rather than their people management
    Good people management competency is closely tied with ethical
    behaviour. To manage people well requires that one be approachable
    and sensitive to other people. Herein lays the ethical dimension of peo-
    ple management competency. Being sensitive and caring to other people
    is one of the hallmarks of ethical behaviour. Poor management of people
    is mostly experienced as unethical behaviour by staff and other stake-

Mayer et al. 1995:717

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