Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1

208 Global Ethics for Leadership

tive capacities of least developed countries in all sectors, including
through structural transformation. We will adopt policies which in-
crease productive capacities, productivity and productive employ-
ment; financial inclusion; sustainable agriculture, pastoralist and
fisheries development; sustainable industrial development; universal
access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy ser-
vices; sustainable transport systems; and quality and resilient infra-

  1. We commit to making fundamental changes in the way that our soci-
    eties produce and consume goods and services. Governments, inter-
    national organizations, the business sector and other non-State actors
    and individuals must contribute to changing unsustainable consump-
    tion and production patterns, including through the mobilization,
    from all sources, of financial and technical assistance to strengthen
    developing countries' scientific, technological and innovative capaci-
    ties to move towards more sustainable patterns of consumption and
    production. We encourage the implementation of the 10-Year
    Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Pro-
    duction Patterns. All countries take action, with developed coun-
    tries taking the lead, taking into account the development and capa-
    bilities of developing countries.

  2. We recognize the positive contribution of migrants for inclusive
    growth and sustainable development. We also recognize that interna-
    tional migration is a multidimensional reality of major relevance for
    the development of countries of origin, transit and destination, which
    requires coherent and comprehensive responses. We will cooperate
    internationally to ensure safe, orderly and regular migration involv-
    ing full respect for human rights and the humane treatment of
    migrants regardless of migration status, of refugees and of displaced
    persons. Such cooperation should also strengthen the resilience of

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