Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1
Respect 227

value of human persons. It is in the family setting that persons learn by
seeing and doing. Seeing the respectful behavior among the members of
the family, children imbibe the sense and spirit of respect early on. The
initial stage of the child is crucial in its learning process. As the human
family, so the human formation. Whatever the child sees at home be-
comes truth, goodness, and beauty for it. The child is certain about what
it learns. Without any doubt it takes in the values as the principles and
precepts for life. As it sucks the mother’s milk, it swallows the virtue of
respect. Respect shown among the members of the family toward each
other leaves a lasting impression in the mind and the heart of a child.
Seeing the beautiful and meaningful examples of respect for neighbours
from the family members, the child will stay with those values for good.
Thus, parents and the other members of the family play pivotal roles in
inculcating the value and virtue of respect in a child. As long as the fam-
ily exists, there is a future for values and hope for a virtuous life. Other-
wise, the future will be bleak. So there is a need of rediscovering and
reiterating the significance of the family in imparting values and training
the future generations in virtue at a time when the family is undergoing a
serious stage of crisis. The need to save families from the onslaught of
confusing and conflicting ideologies prevalent in our contemporary age
is crucial in saving humanity and the welfare of all in the world.
Since the family is the society in miniature, all that is celebrated in
the family will be orchestrated in society. Conversely, whatever is seen
in society is the sum total of all that happens in the families. There is a
close relationship between behaviour in the family and in the societal
behavioural pattern. Observing the unhealthy developments of much of
the present day society and the lack of attention paid to the existence and
issues of the family, the responsible agencies, and especially the gov-
ernment, need to address the chaos pervading family life. It seems that
many politicians play with the orthodox values of families for sheer
votes. It is one thing to have a compassionate approach to the people,

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