Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1

230 Global Ethics for Leadership

many members, and all the members of the body though they are many,
are one body” (I Corinthians 12:20). In the same way, if persons have
faith in a world family, then their perspectives, priorities, and ideas of
belongingness make them members of a single body, interrelated and
respected. Hence it may be proper to say: As your world, so your deed.
The deeper the understanding of fundamental relationships, the
broader network of respect. As one’s perception, so one’s performance.
Having clarity of the value of the world family obligates one to practice
the virtue of respect towards all. The more we understand the inherent
and intricate interrelatedness, there is a greater likelihood of having
greater respect for all forms of life. For example, one who believes in
the principle of tat tvam asi (that thou art) has to put on a garb of respect
in every dealing. The understanding of the divine in the neighbour ne-
cessitates the required reverential respect towards all—people are in-
clined to see the divine in everyone and show utmost respect to all
neighbours. People who believe that they are the “image of God” have
the joy of recognizing the neighbour as a representative of the divine
here and now. So faith fashions the relationships and paints the virtue of
respect on a larger canvas.

17.6 Respect for Mother Nature

Nature is motherly, for she does everything for humanity which a
mother does for a child. Mother nature gives everything to sustain and
support life on earth. She takes good care of everyone born on her bos-
om. Recognizing nature as mother requires the responsibility of giving
respect and care to the mother on the part of her children. It is of para-
mount importance to understand that the human body is intimately con-
nected with nature. The five elements of the universe, namely, earth,
water, air, fire, and ether are present in the human body and they are
represented by different sheathes of the human person, that is, annama-

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