Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1

234 Global Ethics for Leadership

The Ashtanga Marga (The Noble Eightfold Path) as proposed by the
Theravada Buddhist tradition offers great insights into the training of
oneself in the school of morality.the virtue of respect. The paths to this
training are (1) Right view, (2) Right resolve, (3) Right speech, (4) Right
action, (5) Right livelihood, (6) Right effort, (7) Right mindfulness, and
(8) Right concentration. The Eightfold Path is worked out on the princi-
ple of mindfulness or awareness of all possible human activities and are
directly or indirectly connected to the praxis of the virtue of respect.
These are different ways of training of oneself in the entire arenas of
thought, word, and action. All these areas are the field of the virtue of
respect. A focused reflection on the Ashtanga Marga reveals that the
virtue of respect, as does any virtue, begins with right thinking, talking,
and walking in our life, areas which cross cut across the different realms
of human existence and action.
Dialogue is the way of life which included in cultivating and foster-
ing the virtue of respect. Dialogue helps us to discern what is right and
what is false; what is good and what is evil; what is temporary and what
is eternal; what is life and what is death; what is light and what is dark-
ness; what is worthy of emulation and what is not laudable; what is ethi-
cal and what is unethical; what is virtuous and what is vice, and so on. In
light of discernment through constant dialogue, persons will be in a po-
sition to decide or follow can choose to practice the virtue of respect at
all times and with all. The practice of virtue begins at home. May there
be the revival of family life where the virtue of respect is nurtured and
lived and may all grow into the realization of being members of the
World Family and to build up radical relationships with Mother Nature.
May the celebrations at home, in the world, and with creation protect,
preserve, and promote the virtue of respect at all levels and all spheres
of life so that there may be life in fullness, wholeness, and holiness.

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