Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1 Contribution to Global Values and Virtues 23

time to talk about values? Or do they not want to be accountable on that
part to their staff and customers? Is it lack of understanding?
Why are so many young people desperate to find values-based guid-
ing principles for their lives? Why then do so many people change their
beliefs and religions?
Ethics, Values and Virtues are not consumer goods. You cannot over
time just consume them without living up to them, without positioning
yourself. That is what some people might have a problem with.

1.8 Stands for Richness of Diversity library gives access to knowledge on ethics, on values
and virtues. It furthermore gives access to people and their different
ways of thinking and seeing, their different faith and cultures. and often
across all those fields build common ground for understanding and mu-
tual respect. And by that...the world looks different and people in search
of themselves or others will discover the immense richness of diversity.
So investing time, capacities and money in the learning and prac-
tising of ethics might lead to unprecedented harvests and personal satis-
faction, to finding answers for better understanding people and issues
and to learning and sharing.
The outcome will last and let you benefit from knowing more.
For sure you will be enriched.

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