Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1




Alexander Ageev, Russia

20.1 Diversity of National Economic Cultures

There is a big variety of national economic cultures, giving the en-
trepreneurship different places in value preferences. Development of
managing and entrepreneur thought in the 20th century originated from
so-called “scientific management” through the theories of “human rela-
tions” up to the system approach. In this sense, the result to integration
in science, management and entrepreneurial thinking, to understanding
of integrity and its operationalization for the purposes of business and
concerned parties shall be the serious innovation of modernity. In An-
glo-Saxon culture, where the idea of individual entrepreneurial freedom
is mostly expressed, there are notable country and industry differences,
which in turn reflect the specific evolutional features for any country.
However, beside those macro-cultural features, the point of key in-
terest is the individual and group sense of entrepreneurship with roots in
national culture, social and economic climate and many things else, in-
cluding the responsibility of choice by everyone, which is the integrated
part of integrated thinking of a modern entrepreneur.

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