Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1

254 Global Ethics for Leadership

The human way of thinking forms definite motivation to entrepre-
neurship and arouses as the choice between freedom and responsibility,
individuality and solidarity. In fact, the entrepreneur’s progressive think-
ing becomes an attribute of business perfection models.
In our common life, we, by intuition but in a rather precise way,
characterize the people by level of their thinking development, evaluat-
ing the quality of a certain composition of information and capacity to
effectively process the information with outcome as solutions and ac-
tions leading to the most positive result. Using the sustained verbal ex-
pressions containing such evaluations, we include this or that human
being to “smart”, “thinking”, “intermediate”, “unwise”, “stupid” etc. We
give those characteristics, sometimes subconsciously, almost everyone
we meet—this this is required for our decision and action in the choice
of partner, analysis of potential risks or benefits of communication and
for common activity.

20.2. Visionary Persons: Super Knowledge, Foreseeing,


However, there is the higher level of such evaluation, which we give
to the very rare category of humans possessing the certain super
knowledge and foreseeing. What are their key features? Firstly, their
judgment and solutions are based upon the analysis of the wide variety
of factors. Secondly, their decisions are as a rule dedicated to maximally
possible common good, so they are scaled in their limits and oriented to
the harmony of nature, people and things, peaceful development and
protection of life. Thirdly, their decisions are oriented to achievement of
strategic and long-term goals hidden beyond the planning horizon open
for the common human.
The psychological profile of persons with such characteristics is also
important. He/she is calm, as no soul-worrying secrets exist for him/her.

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