Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1
Vision – In Entrepreneurial Culture 255

The person is slow, as he/she knows the only right action to do. He/she
is noble and kind-hearted as the mind assured to him/her the predictabil-
ity of potential enemies, which means safety. He/she is tough as he/she
serves the truth, which is constant to some extent. He/she is the authority
even for enemies, as everyone understands the rarity of people of this
kind in nature and the force of synthesis of their intellectual and spiritual

20.3 Entrepreneurship for Profit and/or for the Com-

mon Good?

The concept of entrepreneurship as it is—the organizational innova-
tions and aim to success—there is a potential possibility of unpredicta-
ble institutional changes (starting from the new product changing the
way of life for hundreds of millions of people and ending with formation
of industrial complexes capable to dictate its will to governments and
peoples). In other words, the entrepreneur is capable to become the be-
ginner of living tradition, fruitful “calm violator”, but in the meantime to
thread the very bases of common wealth. There are many witnesses that
business can ignore the common interests due to the only factor of prof-
it. One of those is the public opinion. It traditionally suspects business to
be too great and bureaucratic, too influential, too egoistic and free from
moral limitations. This state of public opinion was a background of
many political programs.
To what extent those estimations do reflect the reality? Naturally,
their known source is the common values environment. Therefore, the
traditional American values of egalitarianism and anti-elitism may defi-
nitely misrepresent the opinions, as the common opposition of profit to
the common good.
The creation of key sensitive images in the socium (company, asso-
ciation, community) is related first of all to the workout of the ways for

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