Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1

256 Global Ethics for Leadership

identification and interpretation of the environment, being the source of
actions integrated to functioning mechanisms of institutions of global,
subnational and national financial governance.
As example of maximally financially promoted key sensitive images,
we may name the top ten of rating of the 100 world’s most expensive
brands. Each interpretation system finds its reflection in forming of their
own specific value matrix, the value matrixes become the consequences
of interpretation systems.

20.4 Limitations of Entrepreneurial Freedom

The whole scope of pretentions to entrepreneurial freedom of deci-
sion may in general be focused on three aspects: resources, political and
moral aspects.
The resource aspect of entrepreneurial freedom principle became
widely reflected as of the famous warning report of the Club of Rome—
“Limits to Growth” 1972. In this respect the freedom of entrepreneur-
ship presumes many limitations, neglecting of which may cause unpre-
dictable consequences.
The political aspect of entrepreneurial freedom principle is related
mainly to its artificial limitations from some economic subjects pursuing
their interests (mainly this is related to monopolization problem). Rele-
vantly, the self-limitation of entrepreneurial freedom here is to avoid
tough monopolistic strategies and excessed hopes (as specific benefits,
subsidies etc.) for unlimited support from the state authorities. However,
the main support for competitive strategies is the state of the market
itself, assuring the collision of forces and interests optimal for the com-
mon good.
The moral aspect of entrepreneur freedom principle is related to
deep goal settings, regulating the activity of entrepreneur.

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