Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1
Compassion – The Mother of All Virtues 283

which is a hormone that counteracts the aging process, and 23 percent
less cortisol—the stress hormone. Compassion helps you build enduring
relationships with friends, family, classmates, colleagues and your
community. It helps you to be happier, and brings others around you to
be happier.
The following practical steps may help to live the virtue of compas-

  • cultivate compassion by practicing empathy. Develop empathy
    for your fellow human beings. Try to imagine yourself in their
    shoes. What are they thinking? How do they feel?

  • See the similarities in people. Instead of recognizing the differ-
    ences between yourself and others, try to recognize what you
    have in common.

  • Tell yourself that people everywhere have the same needs. When
    you see someone who is suffering, think of what that person
    needs and how you need it, too.

  • Help stop suffering. Once you can empathize with another per-
    son, and understand his/her humanity and suffering, the next step
    is to want that person to be free from suffering. Brainstorm ways
    that can help and what you can do about it.

  • Practice acts of kindness. Practice doing something small each
    day to help end the suffering of others, even in a tiny way. Com-
    mit to one act of kindness each day. Look around you. The possi-
    bilities are endless.

  • ”Love thy enemies”. True compassion is not only wanting to ease
    the suffering of those we love and meet, but even those who mis-
    treat us. Be open-minded and open-hearted. Don’t judge. Help
    wherever and whenever you can. Don’t limit your abilities to
    show compassion.

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